Google form results

The results are in! I recently made 2 google forms and the first one is “Which one” and the next one is “All About Me Quiz”. If you would like to take these forms I will link them bellow.

Results for “Which one”: There were no responses yet.

Results for “All about me quiz”: There was one response. It shows I love rats, sushi, friends, my favorite foods, colors and more. If you would like to take this form I will link it bellow.

Here is a graph showing the response for “All about me quiz

Google forms:

Which one

All about me

How to take care of your pet rat


Step 1 put a harness on your rat that you bought from the

Step 2 connect a leash to the harness that you also bought from

Step 3 walk around the neighborhood with your rat but not too fast.

Step 4 make sure your rat has a litter spot so it doesn’t get tummy aches.


Step 5 give your rat you got from some clean mountain water so that it doesn’t get dehydrated.

Step 6 clean off the bottom of your rats feet so he doesn’t get a splinter.

Step 7 clean your rats fur in a bubble bath, you can see how to do that on Layla’s post.

Step 8 after you clean your rat brush it out so it doesn’t get dusty.

Step 9 if your rat is tired make sure to give it a nap.


Step 10 pet rats need comfy beds that can’t be too cold or hot.

Step 11 buy a pet rat safety bed at

Step 12 open the package and set up your rat safety bed from

Step 13 make sure you set it up just right so that the rat doesn’t get neck cramps.

Step 14 put the blankets for the rat next to the fire before bedtime so they are warm.

Step 15 set your rat carefully in the bed but don’t look away because he might run away.

Step 16 now let your rat sleep in the rat safety bed for 8-12 hours.